
In our many years of our successful Integration project delivery experience - we have come to know one thing - people view Integration projects skeptically.  Often they are viewed as difficult, prone to failures and sometimes do not deliver on the promise of effective automation and improvement.


We do not see it that way.


Over the years we have delivered countless projects (some into the millions of dollars worth of effort) and the same four things are true each time:

  • Integration projects can be divided up into small pieces that minimise risk.
  • Frameworks and guiding principles allow skilled people to show their skills.
  • Integration is always on the critical path - and does not have to be.
  • Integration projects that look to write code on day one are doomed - design first, understand the big picture and deliver the detail collaboratively.

The above four thoughts allow a project of 2 weeks and 2 years to be delivered the same.  They allow skilled Integration experts to look for items of re-use and increased value and they get to do so within a timeframe that still meets the business' objectives.

applying it to digital.

API Projects


API projects are similar to Integration projects in many ways, except they have a different focus, a different consumer and a more narrowed reason for existence.  The same principles above are true, API projects are heavily reliant on frameworks and governance to be truly successful - and they also need to be aligned to the why? - why does this component need an API, who will it reach, how will we get them to try it?  

API projects build on the successful integration projects of the past.  They rely on the stability the ESB provides.  


By understanding this, we can identify risk factors (and help you remove them) and also ensure that your API projects are delivered successfully - with a clear roadmap to maintain, extend and facilitate innovation in the future.


Digital/Web App

Digital/Web Apps are important to deliver well.  They need to hit the market on time and allow the idea, the reason to be explored.  We explore this all through the delivery lifecycle - through idea elaboration, into design, development and testing to make sure it meets the goals of the business / entrepreneur and can be differentiated in the market.

We then work with you through clearly identified phases and iterations so that you are always clear on the current state and the future path.  


We understand that in these projects on-time is critical.

And that success is on-time with functionality that meets your market's needs.